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Cosplayer Sirene > Costume of Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)

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Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Yuffie Kisaragi
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This was pretty darn easy to make! The tunic was made without a pattern from a generic knit fabric. Then I just bought white shorts and made a headband! I was planning to go the extra mile and make "accurate" shoes with Shoe Goo, craft foam, and a whole lot of headache, but then I caved and just bought a pair of yellow Converse instead. Hey, Tifa wears 'em in AC, and Yuffie's boots are pretty darn close to Converse. Plus, it wasn't a cosplay I was going to wear to conventions - it was mostly just for meet-ups and a shoot or two.
Personal Thoughts:
I'm actually really in love with the costume. Why? It's recognizable, super comfortable, and fun to pose in! I've retired it though, unless my friends and I ever put together a Crisis Core group.
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