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Cosplayer SSPrincess > Costume of Serah Farron (Final Fantasy XIII)

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Final Fantasy XIII
Serah Farron
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About this Costume
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I'm very proud of this, I made all by myself with two acceptations. Due to the fact part of it had to be soldered, and using the flames at my school scares me badly, my teacher helped me solder parts of the globe in the necklace. Meaning, yes the necklace is REAL METAL. It's nickle-silver and is slightly bigger than the official Square Enix version. It's sort of my pride and joy at the moment. =) Also the leather bracelet on my right arm was cut out by my kind boyfriend Jeff as I was sick and unable to do so myself.

Otherwise, it's entirely me. I learned a lot while doing this. One, how to operate my machine better. Two how to come up with another solution/divert from the pattern when needed due to the character design or if my pattern was confusing me. Three, buttons and button holes as well as zippers. Four, how to make a skirt, as well as a box pleats. Five, never get Burda patterns....ahhhh!!!

I still have to make her pink over thing, the wig needs some help in the back, and the skirt needs to be shortened(I had a horrible sunburn and didn't alter the skirt when I could have to cover the bad burn) but for the most part, I'm so proud of this. Look Mommy, look what I can do! =D
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