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Cosplayer SiriusLoveGirl > Costume of Rhyme Bito (The World Ends With You)
- Most Recent Photo
- 04-09-2010
- Series
- The World Ends With You
- Character
- Rhyme Bito
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Worn to Megacon 2010. I love this costume so much. It's super comfy! And really cute! I just love Rhyme. The Hat Actually, I found this hat in the back of my closet and used it instead of the big black ski cap I bought originally. It's not as poofy and loooong in the back like the hat is in the game, but I think it's a bit cuter this way. C: The Shirt This was a lucky find made by my mom! She found it while she was out shopping one day. I'll have to ask her what store she got it at. Anyway, the fabric is actually slightly ribbed rather than being smooth, but the ribs are small and unnoticable. The heart-skull and crossbones pattern was made using Pollux's vectors (thanks!) traced onto felt. The felt was sticky on the back like a sticker, so I traced the enlarged pattern onto the back and cut it out (which was a bit difficult with the funky corners, but it worked out alright). Then I just peeled the paper off and stuck them to the shirt. The Overalls I was so lucky with these, you have no idea. I originally found a pair of light tan shorts at a thrift store, and I was going to use those even though they weren't white and they were kinda small. But about a week before I debuted the outfit, I found a pair of white ones at another thrift store, and they were baggy enough, too! Searching in thrift stores = good. The Shoes I bought some black Vans and got a friend's mom to help me out with the yellow parts. From what I saw, she took yellow fabric, cut it into a shape that would allow them to cover the shoes and also fold over to become the poofed out rims, and just wrapped them around the shoe. To make them stay she put holes in for the laces to go through. You just have unlace them to take them off, and then they're normal Vans again. (If that explanation doesn't help, I'll be posting pictures of the shoes and the covers together and apart, as well.) The Wig I really love this wig! It was only 16 bucks, and it's a really nice wig, a nice shape and thickness and everything. I got it from the Wig-Fashion store on ebay. I'm very happy with it.
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