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Cosplayer Serephita > Costume of Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier)

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Macross Frontier
Sheryl Nome
Special Variation:
Pink Dress
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Costume worn at:
Anime Boston 2010
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
My friend K-Chan (my BlackStar) and I had been discussing doing another cosplay together since AAC, and after getting some ideas together and tossing them aside, we settled on Sheryl and Ranka for AB. Since its Easter weekend, we decided doing pink dresses would be perfect! I knew I wanted to make another Sheryl outfit, and had been eyeing her pink dress from the beginning of the first episode for a while, so I of course was thrilled to make this to go alongside K's Ranka. The dress itself is made from pink poplin -- it was white, but I dyed it pink using Rit dye -- and red piping. I hate piping, in all honesty and find it to be a nightmare to sew. I had seen a few different interpretations of what to use to do the red on Sheryl's dress, but after watching the episode again, I felt that trim/bias tape was too thick, so I bit the bullet and used piping. I love how it came out. The pattern was very very easy, and only had to have slight modifications in order to work; the big one being adding cuffs to the end of the sleeves. I've never done cuffs that are smaller around than the sleeves themselves, so pleating that was an interesting experience, and I ended up taking apart the sleeves twice before finding a method that worked! The cuffs are hand sewn on, because it was too small for my sewing machine unfortunately. I also had to use some double sided tape to keep the dress from slipping and showing parts it shouldn't have. The shoes came from the depths of my closet and were painted red for the costume; the tights are from welovecolors.com (orchid pink!).
Personal Thoughts:
I haaaaate piping. And zippers. I had such a hard time trying to line everything up properly with the piping. I'm just glad no one can really see the zipper in the back of this with my wig, because it looks horrible. I also feel like a giant valentine.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
New Look
Wig Name
Original Color:
Light Pink
Styling Time
20+ hours
Wig Quality Rating
1 / 5.00
How was the wig colored?
Styling Notes
Sewing about 2 wigs worth of wefts into another wig is obnoxious...and not recommended!
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