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Cosplayer LilMeesh > Costume of Eiko Carol (Final Fantasy IX)

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Final Fantasy IX
Eiko Carol
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
OhayoCon 2010
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The costume was a big rush to finish. I made the top red shirt in a couple hour span back in december as well as the wings and horn. Then came around three days before the convention. I was up 24 hours finishing this lil thing before we had to leave thursday.
The pattern for the yellow pants was drafted by me, as well as what else you see in the picture. I could not tell you how long it took.
The red shirt is a stretch knit, the yellow overalls are a duck cloth and the shoe covers are a standard cotton.
The horns and wings are both constructed out of model magic which I sanded after letting them dry for close to five days. They where then covered in white acrylic.
((I have all intentions to go back just a little and do some minor shading to the wings to bring out details, but that is only minor))
The most difficult portion of the costume would have to be the overalls. The design is not to difficult, and the pattern itself was not hard to draft, but what made them a challenge was size. Eiko is a very SD character, in reality there are very few human sized proportions to her. So I had to try and find that line of making the overalls big, but not so rediculous that they looked awkward and unwearable.
Actually you could almost say thats where the big challenge was, finding that line between SD and wearable without loosing likeness to the character.
Now, as for favorite portion of the costume, that'd be rather difficult. Part of me would have to say the wig and bow. The bow turned out pretty good in my oppinion and it was fun to wear out of costume, but for sheer utility, I loved the bags I made on the belt around the pants, I could put money, cell phone and my bent up badge in there with no difficulty.
As for what I'd like to change, it would be the leotard. This was the only portion of the costume I did not make on my own. Pretty disppointing but I did not leave myself the appropriate time to learn and order the spandex. It will be a good project for the future to teach myself more tricks on sewing stretchy fabric!
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