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Cosplayer Havenaims > Costume of T-Elos (Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra)

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Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra
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(copy pasta from my coscom!) I only watched one clip from the game but I know that this character KICKS SERIOUS AAAAASSS RRAAWR I'll be having SUPER SEXY SIBLING CYBORG TIMES with Rosabella as KOS- MOS :-D --------------------------------------------------- Okay, how I made it armor is craft foam yup. I've never had my craft foam stuff go crinkly before, but I take care of it pretty well and try not to smoosh it. Also how I prepare my craft foam for super flex and stuff is put three coats of modge podge on both sides then paint it, and then another coat of modge podge. helmet has a base of card board and poster board, and then paper clay on top( art stores have it) it stays on because it fits pretty snug on my head ( make sure it fits when you have a wig on, because it def won't fit if you just fit it to your normal head size so measure with the wig on) the red cup thing is a fruit cup I ate out of. every thing armory is attached to me via velcro my leg straps work like a garter and hold my stockings up and those are attached to a flat belt under my bathing suit thing; those are made from red pleather. stockings are pretty easy to make, just get stretchy fabric. The bodice is a bunny suit pattern I found off this Haruhi cosplayer. I highly recommend that you don't use stretchy fabric on the bodice, you'll thank me later. I couldn't find a bigger version of the image, but it had the measurements, so I went off that, I'm a good measurer! And then I cut a bunch of holes into it for my boobs and above crotch to show, aww yeaah. It's made of casa satin. ( It's easier if you have a dress form to work with for this kind of thing) the armor on the bodice is craft foam too, held on with hot glue. but yeah, for the tube things, they're all the same shape and size, (I'm working off the figure, the artwork's has different shaped tube things) they're made of craft foam and modge podge. what I did was have a base platform in the shape of like an arrow head, then made a bigger one in the same shape with a hole cut out for the opening. I then glued the bigger piece's edges to the smaller base piece's edges so they then are hallow and tube-ish, then I just plugged the hole with those circle things. The arm armor was pretty fun to make, I fly by the seat of my pants a lot when making armor ( slaps on self/ see if looks right) They basically have the same pattern as really flat footballs. It's all made of craft foam held on with velcro at the bottom. The red part has wire lining to help it stay curved. The gold chest thing didn't give me much trouble either. I tried my best to make it look right. (craft fooam n velcro at the back) I never really did an efficient job at attaching that belt to me. If I were to redo it, I'd put velcro at the sides of my suit to line up with velcro on the inside of the belt. my gloves, I pawned off my old Paine costume, but added more length to the top as needed. shoes from Goodwill! yay! pretty easy. I decided later on to make the heel chunkier with expanding foam + paper mache'. it worked pretty well. But you can't really tell from my pictures T__T ankle cuffs, meh, circles on top of circles + snaps wig was attacked with that detangling spray sheen stuff + got 2 b glued foam stuff. Kept it pretty untangled ^^ Long wigs are difficult things to work with for me.
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