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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Korin > Costume of Onion Knight (Final Fantasy Dissidia)
- Most Recent Photo
- 04-02-2010
- Series
- Final Fantasy Dissidia
- Character
- Onion Knight
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Awards
- Best Group - AWA 2009
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Weekend Atlanta 2009
- MegaCon 2010
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
YAY! I love wearing Onion Knight! It's just so much fun. All of the armor, except for the shoulder pieces that stick out are made of craft foam. Those shoulder pieces are made from wet forming leather and letting it dry in the shape that I wanted. It's all sealed and then spray painted. All of the fabric I dyed by hand. Even the gradient dye on the waist scarves. That was a lot of fun, actually. First time gradient dying anything, too! The helmet is probably my favorite part. It's made from tin foil, duct tape and paper clay. Since it wouldn't have fit right with a wig, I cut up one and glued the pieces to the inside of the helmet. The ponytail has three different colors of wefts sewn in since it has a gradient effect, too. Ostrich plumes kinda top of the whole thing. The hardest part was the spikes that come down from the helmet. Getting them in the right place so that they didn't jab me in the neck was a bit hard. I decided to make two of the swords that he has, since...well, why not? XD They're made from poplar wood and the detailing was done with paper clay. I LOVE paper clay. It has so many different uses. The dagger was made in much the same way as the swords. Except instead of poplar wood, I used balsa wood. The sheath is functional, too!
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