ACParadise Network:
American Cosplay Paradise
American Cosplay Experience
American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Azntranquility > Costume of Akito / Agito Wanijima (Air Gear)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- Air Gear
- Character
- Akito / Agito Wanijima
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
The costume is a functional straitjacket! I can't do much when wearing it...except flail around
- Personal Thoughts:
- Fun times were had. Thank you to all the people that helped me with stuff like DRINKING WATER, ANSWERING MY CELLPHONE, and STRAPS STRAPS STRAPS
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