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Cosplayer Inabari > Costume of Tsuruya-san (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

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Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
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Very Easy
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About this Costume
Personal Thoughts:
I was a approached with the idea of a full bunny group and jumped right on it, because...well a full group from a show I love? That's awesome. Also I love Tsuruya and I think her yellow bunny suit is cuute. The costume is made of stretch vinyl, but...I ordered it from a different place than the rest of the group, so when I made it and put it on...it was too thin, and you can see through it! ;_; I made a makeshift lining to put underneath last minute, and that's what you can see in some pictures...no they're not panties lol.

Uuugh bad idea! Too skinny for a bunny suit, don't look good in long hair, ears are too big and heavy. ;_; uuuuuu. Also looking at pictures I'm always hunched over, and that's because in the character art Tsuruya is leaning down...but I didn't want to do that for fear of falling out. (Also I was probably afraid to stand up straight for being too tall) STICKING TO COSPLAYING BOYS NOW, KAY.

tl;dr: Bunnies awesome, me as a bunny, not awesome.
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