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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer StrawberrySiren > Costume of Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
- Character
- Simon
- Year Completed:
- 2015
- Construction Difficulty:
- Costume worn at:
- Katsucon 2008
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
So I had the drill and everything but there was a mishap with the wig. It was short and horrible so I didn't bother wearing it. And my goggles broke so I bought some new ones in the dealer's room. Also, I tried binding but the only bandages I could find weren't wide enough so it didn't work quite well. I'll definitely be revising this and make it perfect. Also I had correct shorts that I had puchased from Ross or TJ Maxx or some similar store. But I'm not wearing them in that one picture. I stole my friend's sweats and I needed them to fit over my shorts. So I wore a different pair that were shorter. I stopped caring about accuracy with this costume at con because of all the unfortunate accidents.
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