- Most Recent Photo
- 07-14-2010
- Series
- Naruto Shippūden
- Character
- Gaara
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Expo 2007
- Construction Details:
But the trench coat was too difficult for me or my mom to make at the time when I wore this costume so I bought the coat at http://www.qqcosplay.com/NSN/nsngaadrd.html . I wanted it to be redder, but it is really well made and some photos do appear a brownish-red so it was fine.
When I bought the coat I wasn't expecting pants and a vest. The pants actually fit so I used them instead of my martial arts pants.
I didn't really like the vest. It was grey and inaccurate. I had all ready bought all the materials needed to make it anyway. I used the vest I was given as a guide and made a pattern. Then I added all the slits for the straps. I used buckles and eyelets to complete the belts. Nowadays I look back at it and think I should had tacked pieces down...
The leg bands were simple. I put velcro on them, but that didn't stop them from sliding off my legs. I had to safety pin them to my pants when I wore them.
The long waist strap had a long piece of velcro on both sides.
I all ready had made the sandals for my genin version so I used them for this Gaara as well. Those were a nightmare originally.
I had the wig and makeup also from my other Gaara version. But this time I plucked all my eyebrows out. I hate the plastic I used to cover them before. It doesn't work well and cracks. My eyebrows grew back. I just had to draw them on for a long time.
- Personal Thoughts:
- I love Gaara and I wanted to cosplay his older version. All my friends were doing the time jump versions so I wanted to join in too.
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