ACParadise Network:
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American Cosplay Experience
American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Umigoddess > Costume of Urd (Ah My Goddess)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- Ah My Goddess
- Character
- Urd
- Special Variation:
- OVA Version
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Normal
- Awards
- Best of Show AX 1998
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Expo 1998
About this Costume
- Personal Thoughts:
- This costume is *very* beloved to me! It was the second costume I ever made! So that means I didn't really know how to sew yet! lol. Most of the sewing was done by Raya. I just did jewelry stuff, learned some sewing here and there..and basically did all the sewing grunt-work such as cutting, marking, and so on. When I look at this costume, despite how much I love it, I realize how incredibly ghetto it is! It is a perfect example of how the standards of cosplay have completely changed over the years. I barely spent any money on it..used whatever fabric I could find that was "close enough" and right there. I used random objects I found around the house... I guess the only main expense on this costume was the wig. But I had first tried using my real hair and spraying it, as you will see in some of these pictures! I ran out of spray though so it looks horrible. I decided a wig was a much better investment and so ordered it for the con. I have gone through 2 both of which were styled last minute..hence my wanting to get new ones. One was done in the middle of the night the day before we left for AX98 and it was the first wig I'd ever styled. The other was done in about 10 mins. at AX 2001. I really do need to give the wig the time it deserves at some point. Maybe when this one dies....right now the current wig is in MAJOR need of brushing! -_-
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