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Cosplayer Lake_fairy > Costume of Chi / Chii / Elda (Chobits)

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Chi / Chii / Elda
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About this Costume
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so I decided that sonce I already have the wig for it, I should make another Chobits costume :) I decided to pick a more obscure costume that I hadn't seen done before. All of the materials cost about $85 and I put in about 25-30 hours of work into this costume. I do wish that the ruffle on the skirt had been a little more full, but it takes forever to make ruffles, and with valentines day right before Katsucon and all, I had a really rough time getting it all finished. I never realized exactly how much fabric ruffles really took up until I made this costume. the sheer skirt took almost five yards of fabric all by itself :P But anyways, I decided to go with a briday brocade for the white bodice and I used dark blue trim for the lines and the trim on the skirt. I know it looks black in the picture, but I promise it's blue. for those of you who know what artwork this is from, you'll notice that I'm not wearing accurate stockings. I gave them a really good effort, and did end up with blue striped fishnetto wear over the white, but the blue was kind of the wrong color and they were a little bulky and I just didn't have time to give them a second shot before we left for the convention. So I made an executive decision to wear the costume anyways and wear the white tights instead of wearing the crappier blue ones or not wearing them at all. All in all I was pretty pleased with how the costume came out, the only othre thing that bothers me is that I have pretty dark features (I'm a brunette) and it doesn't quite fit with Chii's character, that and the sun was in my eyes the entire time we were shootimg, so I had a funny expression on my face most of the time :P I wanted to enter it in the Hall cosplay, but they were booked by the time I got there....
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