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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer LadyAmaryllis > Costume of Julia (Cowboy Bebop)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- Cowboy Bebop
- Character
- Julia
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
- Costume worn at:
- Ani-magic / Autumn Dream 2004
- Anime Expo 2004
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I used a Burda pattern for this, but I can't remember the number ;_; I had to alter it a lot to make it fit my body, but the pattern was a nice guideline. I started off with two-way stretch vinyl from LA. I made two complete catsuits out of this. The first was too big, and the second too small. The biggest problem was that I needed four-way stretch vinyl, so I bought some four-way stretch stuff off of the internet. Bad idea. The glossy-ness of it was all wrong because of a misleading picture, and the catsuit I made out of that ended up being a dud as well. Finally, a little frustrated, I went back to LA and bought expensive four-way stretch vinyl. This time, after making three catsuits, I knew how to do it right. XD And it worked! The seams aren't perfect in some places, but that's probably just because I don't have a perfectly symmetrical body. I was really proud of myself. The belt! Yay! I loved making the belt. I'm awful at props, so I enlisted my dad for help. After many long discussions and cruising the aisles at Home Depot, we came up with a plan. We bought soft copper tubing and this fancy-shamancy wire bender. Then we bent the tubing into the three basic shapes (an ovalish shape and two "D's"). Then we had the four "strips" of tubing, and we sautered (soldered?) them together. That means using this weird stuff called solder that is metal that you can melt and then let cool back into metal by and putting a blue torch on them. It was quite exciting. Then, unfortunately, I decided I needed to round the joints, so I tried to put caulk there and make them a little softer but it didn't really work, lol. We spraypainted it with primer and then with a shiny metallic silver, and voila! I bought the wig off Ebay, and it turned out just perfect. It's probably my favorite part. I also made a small velvet collar to go with it. The sunglasses, I've tended to just grab whatever random ones I can find before the con. I wore this costume a lot and it improved a little each time as I added blue contacts, better make-up, and better boots. But in the end I lost the belt somewhere and had to retire it. ;_;
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