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Cosplayer Hyokenseisou > Costume of Uizu/With/Wizz (D・N・Angel)
- Most Recent Photo
- N/A
- Series
- D・N・Angel
- Character
- Uizu/With/Wizz
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Costume worn at:
- Animethon 2007
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
I am so sick of people calling him 'With''s WIZ!!! AS IN THE SHORT FORM OF 'WIZARD' BUT NO 'ARD' AND IS TOTALLY NOT RELATED!! D:< ...XP I am so proud of myself that I am the first person to have done a mascot, 'lifesized' version of this cute little bunny! This thing took over 100 hours of hand sewing goodness...I have put a lot of sweat, tears, and blood...mostly blood...into this costume. XD I even had to pull an all nighter just before a con to finish it in time... Actually...I ended up not sleeping at all that con (Athon14, btw).... It was sooo hot in there, it wasn't even funny. I have never sweating ACTUAL bullets til I wore this thing to a con...There was times where I thought I was gonna pass out due to the major lack of sleep, food, and the heat. Actually, I was told I passed out for a bit during the Anime Battle Chess. O.o".... Awards - Best in Show [advanced level] at Animethon14
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