ACParadise Network:
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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Emmy > Costume of Chi / Chii / Elda (Chobits)
- Most Recent Photo
- 04-01-2011
- Series
- Chobits
- Character
- Chi / Chii / Elda
- Special Variation:
- "chalk angels" art book image
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Expo 2007
- Anime Vegas 2008
- Anime Vegas 2007
- Fannatiku Fest / Anime Fannatiku 2011
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Since I couldn't splice together any patterns to make an appropriate pattern both this dress and the Freya dress my friend is wearing in made of the pictures were made via trial and error. The tops of the dresses are princess cuts, the bottoms and skirts are heavily modified circle skirts, and the sleeves and the pattern on Freya's dress were trial and error. The ears are made from craft foam and attached to cheap head bands that have been covered in ribbon before and decorated. The spools are actual small spools that have been slid on the front part of the wig and held with tiny clear hair ties and Aquanet for the "poof" above the spools. Unfortunately my friend refused to wear her wig. Since Chii is barefoot in the image I made up boots (cotton boot covers) that I felt mirrored Freya's boots just like the dresses and head bands mirrored each other. Since I made boots I also made cuffs that I felt mirrored Freya's gloves. My friend injured her knee prior to the convention so is wearing black socks and slippers in the place of Freya's skin-tight lace covered boots.
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