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Cosplayer Dr Hikaru > Costume of Millia Rage (Guilty Gear X)

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Guilty Gear X
Millia Rage
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Anime Expo 2001
FanimeCon 2001
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
2001 Commentary: I really had no idea how to start with this costume! I was kinda intimadated because iPLAY always has outstanding costumes, and I wanted to blend in with them, you know? Originally, I wanted the costume to be made out of white pleather, that way I could match Kamui's Testament costume. But white pleather is soooooo hard to find in Nevada! :x And finding a white fabric that was actually thick enough made it harder. I ended up using two different types of satin. Millia's main costume piece is composed out of two parts: an undershirt and a long slitted overshirt. The undershirt is made out of imperial satin (expensive stuff! *dies*) and has a really pretty shine. The undershirt's collar is made out of black pleather, along with the trimming on the overshirt. Most of the trimming ended up being heat bonded/double stick taped to the material (tape due to last minute construction). I used blue satin trimming for the blue stripes. You have no idea how hard it was for me to find the right shade of blue! I was with Karrie (Kamui) on the phone while I was searching for the right material. "Is it crayon blue?" "I thought it was blue like the blue on Wayne's message board?" *LOLOL* It was pretty hilarious. But it turned out just fine! I called it the "deep navy blue similiar to Umi's uniform." *LOL* When I first made Millia, I incorporated a zipper in the back, but because of weight loss, the zipper was taken out, the overshirt taken in. There was no pattern for either the undershirt or the overshirt. ^_^ She was made all by me! (and Gracie's last minute help at Fanime). Millia's construction brought about my introduction to heat-n-bond! Yeah for heat-n-bond! 2008 Commentary: Wow, Heat-n-Bond! That was like, the standard back then, lol!
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