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Cosplayer Jadzia > Costume of Raspberry Faerie (Original: Fantasy)
- Most Recent Photo
- 05-04-2010
- Series
- Original: Fantasy
- Character
- Raspberry Faerie
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- Difficult
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Constructed: August 2004 Time: 30 hours Cons: Texas RenFest 2004 Like my other wings, these are sparkle organza over a wire frame, lightly airbrushed, accented with glitter and decorated with blossoms. The gown was a gift, so I can't offer much insight except that it's very finely and cleverly made. A pair of striped tights added a nice touch of my favorite fantasy artist.
- Personal Thoughts:
- Ah, serendipity at it's finest. First the wings were constructed for that same senior art show. (Have you figured out it's theme, yet? ;) Because the first outcome was just not good, they were completely disassembled and re-made using totally different construction techniques. It is incredibly time-consuming, but allows for a great finish if one has the patience to preservere. I'm also reasonably sure it's how folks like Firefly Path and Faerie Grove make their wings. No, I won't share details, because no one shared details with me. Learn the hard way like I had to. ;-p In the midst of the wing retro-fit I made a pair of wee horns for grins and giggles. I painted them pink simply because I like pink, then noticed with glee that they would compliment the wings nicely. The final bit of serendipity came in the form of the gown. A friend's aunt made it many, many moons ago and gave it to my friend when she had no more use for it. My friend in turn, very sweetly, gave it to me. Purely by chance, it matched both the wings and the horns. A costume was born. ^_^
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