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The name is Captain Lady, but feel free to call me Kayla. ;3

I am a SERIOUS lover of cosplay, though I've only been cosplaying for about 11 months now. I love all cosplays; the good, the bad, and the hilarious!

When I'm not working on cosplays, I'm working... at 'work'. xD I'm a Web Designer for a university here in Hampton Roads, VA. I love the work, and it pays for my cosplay and video game habits. ;D

Besides being a cosplay fanatic, I'm a HUGE fan of Nintendo games, primarily the Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing. I am love seeing LOZ cosplays, especially well-done Link cosplays. :D

Besides Zelda, I DO have other interests. Any Nintendo first party game is a great game by my book. I'm also into Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Harvest Moon.

I also like making crafts on the side, usually Zelda related items. So far, I've only made some Triforce earrings that didn't turn out too well, but I still got compliments from an employee at GameStop! SUCCESS.

Please let me know if you would like to set up a group meeting at a convention!

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