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My current goal is to bring out the best of my potential for androgyny. With the male characters I want to cosplay, I wish I could borrow the awesome manly voices of J. Michael Tatum, Steve Blum, and Chuck Huber... Maybe even Troy Baker, haha (Fool!).

Working on Rainbow Dash, Genkai from YYH, Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!) and Sesshomaru (all in order of priority). I've literally had recurring dreams of finding the right shades for Shizuo and then wake up in bitter disappointment. Hopefully that will change soon.

When I'm not cosplaying, I'm a cocktail waitress and substitute hostess/SA. I will be taking accelerated massage/holistic healing courses this fall and ultimately, I would like to get into physical therapy.

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mailfantasy says, "Very, very pretty!"
For Fox Spirit from Original: Fantasy