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Hi hi.
I've cosplayed since.....I don't remember what year it was, but it was the first Anime Vegas.
I don't have many costumes done, but I'm slowly working on them. ^_^

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Color says, "I'm dying of laughter because of the expressions on Krillin and 17. xD"
For Android #18 from Dragonball Z
buikki says, "Lucky girl at her feet!"
For Mord-Sith from Legend of the Seeker
buikki says, "CanĀ“t help but love her looks."
For Mord-Sith from Legend of the Seeker
buikki says, "She was made in Heaven."
For Mord-Sith from Legend of the Seeker
Angela-Mon says, "Holy cow! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to even notice there were any comments on here. I got the boots from a girl on deviant art, I believe her ID is TechnoRanma."
For Bulma Briefs from Dragonball Z