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I'm a Taiwanese cosplayer who studying in the US now.

I've been cosplaying since 2000, and will keep doing it until I can't.

(Yeah, I'm APH in a line now XD)

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ModernPrincess says, "Tres bien~ @};--"
For France / Francis Bonnefoy from Axis Powers Hetalia
jetspectacular says, "I remember seeing this photo on Cos-World :D Great great stuff!"
For France / Francis Bonnefoy from Axis Powers Hetalia
jetspectacular says, "KYAAAAAAAAAA love love love this whole shoot!!!"
For Chibitalia from Axis Powers Hetalia
Pisara says, "France~~ Sexy!"
For France / Francis Bonnefoy from Axis Powers Hetalia
SpPandaaa says, "Oh God, you make such a sexy France~"
For France / Francis Bonnefoy from Axis Powers Hetalia