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My name is HappiUsagi, I've loved cosplay though since January 2008. But joining in late into the cosplay game, I've been cosplaying officially since February 2009. For the majority I make my own costumes. There has been some certain circumstances when I was lucky enough/had to just buy them, more so simple stuff. And slowly but surely I have been progressing! But since I'm the one that's usually behind the camera, I really don't have many pictures of myself in my cosplay, and I really hope that changes soon. Thanks for viewing mah page! Arigatogozaimasu!!~~~

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HappiUsagi says, "Why thank you! :)"
For Madam Red from Black Butler
Dokudel says, "It looks lovely on you. ^_^"
For Madam Red from Black Butler
Dokudel says, "Aw thanks! You make a great Patty and we totally loved your giraffe prop! That made our whole weekend! ^_^"
For Patty Thompson from Soul Eater