ACParadise Network:
American Cosplay Paradise
American Cosplay Experience
American Cosplay Snapshots
Hi, i'm Kei, i'm pretty new to cosplay. i started going to covention in 2005, my first cosplays were made by my friend but i hope to be able to become good at doing it on my own, someday. i've been cosplaying on my own skills since 2007ish...i'm not quite sure since when. not that they are very good.
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- Kei437 says, "thanks, that means a lot to ^^"
- For Peter White from Heart no Kuni no Alice ~ Wonderful Wonder World~
- Billybooze says, "just started reading this and i gotta say you pull of peter quite well good job =^w^="
- For Peter White from Heart no Kuni no Alice ~ Wonderful Wonder World~