ACParadise Network:
American Cosplay Paradise
American Cosplay Experience
American Cosplay Snapshots
I'm kind of just a dork. Who enjoys cosplaying a lot. And blame Loveanime18 a lot for making me expand into making so many different outfits.
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- Phantom Skye says, "It's the heroooooo! ^-^"
- For America / Alfred F. Jones from Axis Powers Hetalia
- SpPandaaa says, "Look how badass we are. /stops spamming with comments."
- For America / Alfred F. Jones from Axis Powers Hetalia
- SpPandaaa says, "Moe moe kyun~ <3"
- For Canada / Matthew Williams from Axis Powers Hetalia
- SpPandaaa says, "So mind-fucked we mind-fucked ourselves. lolz I love us. XDDDDDD"
- For Canada / Matthew Williams from Axis Powers Hetalia
- SpPandaaa says, "We are so cool"
- For China / Wang Yao from Axis Powers Hetalia