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I totally keep forgetting I have an account here. I'm sorry for all the private messages I never read and never replied to! I swear I wasn't ignoring you.. I'm just retarded and I don't check this website often. T3T But I really am grateful that there's people who enjoy my cosplay! Please feel free to message me again. I will be sure to check and reply.

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Samariyu says, "I agree, she does need more love. And a bigger role in the series. She's awesome :)."
For Karin Kurosaki from Bleach
pook_da_nerd says, "Awwww this is sooo cute! I love it!"
For Nana Oosaki from NANA
WarkifiedChocobo says, "awwwww soooo adorable!!! -pets the wings- =D You pulled it off perfectly!"
For Loki from Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
evilcarrotchomp says, "i've seen your cosplay form the first time you posed on the nana-nana.net forums to you selling your jacket on the blackstones lj and now this! you are such a great great nana! one day, i hope you create a youtube acocunt and sing all the nana songs in f"
For Nana Oosaki from NANA
hyori says, "Nice job. You really look like Nana O. (^^)b"
For Nana Oosaki from NANA