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This weekend was sooooo busy. I had enough time to work on all my costumes though, so I didn't have to do any late night work the day before (but I had to stay up late anyway...more info below). I stayed at Ken's place again this time around, (you always make my convention better~)

Friday: Johnny Shiden from Tales of Destiny; Asami Ryuichi from Target in the Finder
I showed up early at Ken's apartment halfway in costume, and we went to his chemistry lecture together at UMD haha. I had to cover myself with a jacket halfway to feel too crazy. I also hadn't finished my Suikoden flash animation for our panel and spent the entire lecture working on that. Afterwards, we got back to the apartment and finished changing into costume, with Ken as Leon. We drove to the convention together to the theme of "Hotel Motel, Holiday Inn..." We met up at the convention with Annie who was dressed as GARR!!/Woodrow, and her friend as Philia. I was really happy to do ToD~~ We hung around and had fun until the evening when I changed into Ryuichi to match rare_dreamer's Takaba and to do panels. We did 2 cosplay panels that night. Hung out some more, and did one more panel (my favorite BL Game panel, where I got to introduce all my friends to Sweet Pool). We got back to Ken's apartment late that night and Minachiko and Ken worked on costumes while I worked on the Suikoden panel. I went to sleep last, at 4:30 in the morning, but it was worth it!!

Saturday: Military Academy Student from Original Steampunk and Tir McDohl from Suikoden
Today was even busier! I woke up early, got dressed and had to move my car in the parking lot, while Minachiko finished up the rest of the costume. However, due to a hissy fit thrown by a roommate who has been thus unmentioned, we did not leave the apartment until 11:30. We barely made it to the convention by 1 PM, which was when our practice for the Steampunk Fashion Show was.

We got to the practice, only to be told that the practice and fashion show had been pushed back. The practice was to be at 4:30, but the fashion show was going to be 7:00...which was the same time as our 3 hour Suikoden panel! So in order to do the fashion show and the panel, I went to talk to panel ops to see if we could change the time, in which we were told that the fashion show was not going to be pushed back, and that the information we got was wrong?! So I spent the next hour or so shutting down panel ops to figure out what happened, but finally I found out! "Fashion Show" referred to two things, and the other fashion show panel had been pushed back, and not the masquerade fashion show. Hooray! So I ran around like a crazy person making sure all the fashion show models knew, and finally was able to relax. Rare_dreamer helped us take some really nice photos before we hit up the practice.

The practice went well, and ended at 5:00, in which we all ran to get something to eat before the 6:00 fashion show. However, the food did not arrive until 5:45, and we had to shovel food into our faces and run back to the fashion show...in which we were told that the fashion show was going to be a different format than the practice! Walk onstage, spent about a minute doing poses in the center of the catwalk, and then walk off. It was going well until our Guest of Honor didn't show up, and everyone started going really fast. Siham, the fashion show coordinator, started freaking out that were going too fast and that the masquerade judges wouldn't have enough time to judge, so Minachiko and I looked at each other and 5 seconds before we went onstage, we coordinated an amazing routine. The entire conversation was
"Okay, I'll go onstage...no, you go onstage with my book, and do a pose and then touch your hat..."
"Oh, I'll do better than that. I'll do a twirl, touch my hat and crouch down!"
"Awesome, and I'll meet you out there!"

It was amazing. Minachiko walked on first, did a really cute routing in which she got to twirl around and show off her butt cape and flowy shirt, touched her hat and crouched down. In which I walked onstage, pulled a gun out of the book, and we did three unrehearsed poses, and then walked off the stage in unison.

After the masquerade, we RAN to the Suikoden panel (and changed into Suikoden costumes along the way haha)...only to find out that we had no projector, but rather a huge ghetto TV screen. However, we were actually able to manage it, and pull off the panel with relative success (Lots of thanks to nyoko who did SO much work for the panel!). Afterwards, we accompanied my sister to the host club and relaxed~~~ It was like a job well done party!

Sunday: Mitsuo Kubo from Persona 4
Relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that's all. I also took a lot of really neat photos with Ken, including the creepy parking lot that we were trapped in for all the past conventions at the hotel haha.

SOOOOO busy, but so much fun, and definitely worth it. I spent a lot of time with good friends who I appreciate for being put through so much.

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