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The following events have been linked to this convention.

Event Name Location
Naruto @ NYCC 2015

We'll be participating in some Naruto promotions at New York Comic Con, so we need cosplayers to help make this event fit for a Hokage! Many will apply, only a few will be chosen.

This will take place at the convention center and also at various off-site locations.

Tales of Zestiria @ NYCC 2015

Bandai Namco will be showing off Tales of Zestiria at NYCC 2015, and they want some cosplayers to attract attendees to try out the game and assist with panels!

This will take place at the Bandai Namco booth. The panel hasn't been confirmed yet, but if it is, you will be needed there as well.

Sword Art Online @ NYCC 2015

Bandai Namco will be showing off the latest entry in the Sword Art Online games, Lost Magic, and they'd like 2 - 4 cosplayers to pull attendees to try out the game!

This will take place at the Bandai Namco booth. If any panels are confirmed, you will be needed there as well.