(Wig used for Koko Hekmatyar from Jormungand)
Tanglier than most Epic wigs I've had, but it's thick enough to hide all the wefting.
(Wig used for Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
(Wig used for Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon Crystal)
VERY THICK, heavy but in a good way. Easy to style, one of the best wig brands I've never used.
(Wig used for Iori Minase from iDOLM@STER)
Detangles easily, but hairline is not very realistic.
(Wig used for Nana from Nana to Kaoru)
The wig is really shiny in different lights but is a beast due to the wefts I have sewn into it. So heavy!
(Wig used for Ookami Ryouko from Okamisan)
It's a bit shiny for my liking and the color seemed a bit off from what I was looking at online, but that could just be color issues on my end.
(Wig used for Morrigan Aensland from Cross Edge)
(Wig used for Deedlit from Record of Lodoss Wars)
(Wig used for Kite from Hunter X Hunter)
I am always going to go to Epic for long wigs. They are really resistant to tangling, and that's really awesome.
(Wig used for Lisa Lisa from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
So long. Much hair. Very wig. Wow.
(Wig used for Aradia Megido from MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)
This is a nice wig but a bit small.
(Wig used for Ayase Aragaki from Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga nai)
ughhhh this wig is a LOT brighter than the swatches would have you believe. I ordered from Epic because of time restraints, and I hoped it'd be a similar color to my Okumura Rin wig, but it ended up being the same color as my Chihaya wig. T_T
(Wig used for Pending Character from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As)
(Wig used for Chi / Chii / Elda from Chobits)
Epic Wigs is a godsend when it comes to ridiculously long wigs! Their wigs have a really silky texture, which is less prone to tangling!
I also had excellent customer service from them when the original wig I wanted was out of stock. They not only found a great replacement wig for me, but even upgraded my order to faster shipping in order to guarantee it came in time for my con! Epic Cosplay is great :) -
(Wig used for Kokonoe from BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger)
(Wig used for Sailor Pluto from Sailor Moon S)
(Wig used for Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time with Finn and Jake)
(Wig used for Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail)
(Wig used for Medli from Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
This is a very nice quality wig, I love the color and it is pretty thick as well.
(Wig used for Prince Ludwig from Ludwig Kakumei)
(Wig used for Asuna from Sword Art Online)
This wig is finally starting to show it's age. ^^; Tangles a lot faster than when I first got it 2~years ago.
Maybe I should've just sewn the wefts directly to the wig and let them out of the braid when I need the wig for other characters... -
(Wig used for Neko from K / K Project)
(Wig used for Grandma English from MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)
(Wig used for Super Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon Super S)
The quality of wig is great but my styling was terrible.
(Wig used for Medli from Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
(Wig used for Prussia / Gilbert Weillschmidt from Axis Powers Hetalia)
(Wig used for Asuna from Sword Art Online)
Epic Cosplay makes the best wigs, I only purchase from them.
(Wig used for Nao from Otoko no Ko wa Meido Fuku ga Osuki!?)
(Wig used for Asuna from Sword Art Online)
The wig is easy to detangle with brushing and a hair straightener. I've been outside on windy days many times in this wig.
(Wig used for Asuna from Sword Art Online)
The wig is easy to detangle with brushing and a hair straightener. I've been outside on windy days many times in this wig.
(Wig used for Boa Hancock from One Piece)
This is a good quality wig but I was misinformed and thought it had a full skin cap when it only had it at the crown. I had to part the hair, which is why I wanted the skin cap, but fortunately it wasn't noticeable. Also a little too thick for what I used it for, especially the shorter pieces.
(Wig used for Kamiki Izumo from Blue Exorcist)
(Wig used for Maetel from Galaxy Express 999)
(Wig used for Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann)
I'm still not completely satisfied with my bangs so I'll keep tweaking them.
(Wig used for Anemone from Eureka seveN)
(Wig used for Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann)
(Wig used for Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
(Wig used for Rider from Fate/Stay Night)
(Wig used for Irisviel von Einzbern from Fate/Zero)
(Wig used for Dewey Novak from Eureka seveN)
(Wig used for Prince Ludwig from Ludwig Kakumei)