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Wigs > Epic Cosplay > 36'' Straight
Wig Information
Most Common Characters using this Wig
  1. Busujima Saeko (3)
  2. Megurine Luka (3)
  3. Hye Won (2)
  4. Sailor Mars (1)
  5. Rei Hino (1)
(36 costumes use this wig)
Wig Name
36'' Straight
Fiber Type
Heat Resistant
Wig Length
Wig Style
Recent Reviews
  1. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Akarui-Sakura

  2. Rating -1 / 5.00

    Reviewed by La_Lei

    This wig was originally for Arietta from Tales of the Abyss, which is why it's not as long as Luka's actual hair length. But why not use the same wig for a different character? xD

  3. Rating 3 / 5.00

    Reviewed by MinaUchiha2

  4. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Rin Dunois

    Does not tangle easily and works quite well with elastics if done correctly! Also a comfortable fit!

  5. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Lustercandy