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Wigs > Unknown > 2 Ponytails Part of Wig / Non Clip On
Reviews for the 2 Ponytails Part of Wig / Non Clip On wig
  1. Rating: 2 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Hinata Kaho from Blend S)

  2. Rating: 3 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon)

    The wig was really silky and didn't tangle too bad. The actual cap was almost too small, but I made it work (I have hair down past my waist, so it does make it trickier to fit wigs). Other than the few fixable problems, it wasn't a bad last minute wig.

  3. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Felicita from La storia della Arcana Famiglia)

  4. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Nanami Luchia from Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)

  5. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Kamiki Izumo from Blue Exorcist)

  6. Rating: 3 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Mio Akiyama from K-ON!!)

  7. Rating: 4 / 5.00

    (Wig used for Kunogi Himawari from xxxHoLic)