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Wigs > Arda Wigs > Marty
Wig Information
Most Common Characters using this Wig
  1. Bokuto Koutaro (4)
  2. Ignis Scientia (4)
  3. Kiyotaka Ishimaru (3)
  4. Terra (2)
  5. Kanji Tatsumi (2)
(51 costumes use this wig)
Wig Name
Fiber Type
Wig Length
Wig Style
Recent Reviews
  1. Rating 3 / 5.00

    Reviewed by VintageAerith

  2. Rating 4 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Risuru-Chan

  3. Rating 4 / 5.00

    Reviewed by SailorAnime

  4. Rating 3 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Lowery_Cosplay

  5. Rating 4 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Risuru-Chan

    The wig really flies out and doesn???t stay too close to my head but I think with some gels/glue I can get it to be closer