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Wigs > Arda Wigs > Arwen
Wig Information
Most Common Characters using this Wig
  1. Daenerys Stormborn of House Targeryen (2)
  2. Irisviel von Einzbern (2)
  3. Yukako Yamagishi (2)
  4. Deedlit (1)
  5. Princess Zelda (1)
(32 costumes use this wig)
Wig Name
Fiber Type
Heat Resistant
Wig Length
Wig Style
Recent Reviews
  1. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Enkai

    THIS WIG. Oh La Reconquista, why did you have to make Beryl's hair so massive (so I can call this costume 80's metal Beryl, that's why)

  2. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Ambrosia

    Solid wig for movie Juri; a very natural orange and great length for a lace-front. I tried to make her huge sausage curls a little softer, but I'd probably restyle them differently the next time around.

  3. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by ReggieDuke

  4. Rating 5 / 5.00

    Reviewed by Meltingmirror

    Very little tangling after two wears.

  5. Rating 4 / 5.00

    Reviewed by windofthestars

    This is a VERY HEAVY combo. lol