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Cosplay Videos
The following videos from our Convention Coverage have been linked to this series. You can narrow the list by clicking on a specific Convention to your right.

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#S14 Moral Dilemma (Incl. Award Footage)
3249 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [AVA][Shinteetah]
Convention: Anime Central 2008

Awards: Best Skit Runner-Up

Skit (Rating: 4.89 / 5.00)
04 Ninja of the Night Chell
3693 views, 11 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Portal
Cosplayer(s): [BAT][GaMeReVX][Nutcracker][Rynn][Sumikins]
Convention: FanimeCon 2011

Awards: Most Dramatic

Skit (Rating: 4 / 5.00)
4153 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Anime Central 2008

Skit (Rating: 0 / 5.00)
13 Valtiels Angels Deus Ex Machina
2468 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Lady Thesta][Lady Vincira]
Convention: Sakura-con 2010

Awards: Judges Award

Walk-On (Rating: 0 / 5.00)
#51 Chell Portal
2046 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Portal
Convention: A-Kon 2008

Walk-On (Rating: 0 / 5.00)
#52 Chell
1720 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Portal
Convention: Anime Central 2008

Walk-On (Rating: 0 / 5.00)
1627 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]

Skit (Rating: 0 / 5.00)
945 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Series: Portal
Convention: WonderCon 2014

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