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Cosplay Videos
The following videos from our Convention Coverage have been linked to this series. You can narrow the list by clicking on a specific Convention to your right.

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
17 S Paupu Guardians Tidus Yuna Final Fantasy X X-2
4374 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Cid][JuriWishes]
Convention: Anime LA 2012

Awards: Journeyman Division Craftsmanship Best in Division, Presentation Honorable Mention Stage Presence

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#29 Popular Final Fantasy X-2 VII
3303 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Katsucon 2005

Awards: Best in Show Presentation, Judges Choice Presentation Award and Craftsmanship Best in Show Workmanship Craftsmanship Division Award for Full Throttle Paine

Walk-On (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
W10 Al Bhed Challenge
2850 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [AngieRikku]
Convention: FanimeCon 2011

Awards: Honorable Mention Group Craftsmanship

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#14 Rikku Can't Dance Final Fantasy X-2
2848 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Reiko]
Convention: Katsucon 2005

Awards: Craftsmanship Honorable Mention Novice Division Award

Skit (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
#28 Final Fantasy X-2 Behind the Scenes
2249 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [positivespace]

Awards: Best Novice Group Award and Keith Burgess's Judges Award Bedonkadonk

Walk-On (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
41 Final Fantasy X-2
1676 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: MegaCon 2009

Walk-On (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
W14 Yuna
1355 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Anime Boston 2011

Awards: Judges Award

Walk-On (Rating: 5 / 5.00)
1110 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Pagina]

Skit (Rating: 4.75 / 5.00)
CBS #37 Oh God Not Another Final Fantasy X-2 Skit
4411 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [Katie][state_alchemist][Velvy]
Convention: Anime Expo 2006

Awards: Group Presentation Runner-Up Award

Skit (Rating: 4.33 / 5.00)
35 Were Not Twins Cosplay
2229 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: FanimeCon 2011

Awards: Honorable Mention Group Performance

Skit (Rating: 4.25 / 5.00)
#06 Final Fantasy X-2
2317 views, 2 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Metrocon 2008

Skit (Rating: 4 / 5.00)
Green Tea Productions #42
4853 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: FanimeCon 2007

Skit (Rating: 4 / 5.00)
Nyao Army #38 Lenne Shuyin Final Fantasy X-2
3237 views, 1 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: FanimeCon 2003

Skit (Rating: 4 / 5.00)
WCS Midwest Regionals 6 Tripod Cosplay
2137 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Convention: Anime Matsuri 2013

Skit (Rating: 3.67 / 5.00)
S22 Link vs Final Fantasy X-2
5240 views, 0 comments [High Res] [Youtube]
Cosplayer(s): [AVA][CosPinay][Melchoir][Shinteetah]
Convention: Anime Central 2010

Awards: Yume Cup Finalist
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