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Marvel vs Capcom 3

Description: To celebrate the release of Marvel vs Capcom 3, we're going to try to have a gathering of cosplayers from both the Marvel and Capcom side! Marvel employees will also be at hand to snap photos, so if you want to appear on Marvel's website, this is your ticket! (You'll all need to sign a model release to show up on Marvel.com)

Current MVC3 roster as of 2/15/11
Spider-Man (Classic)
X-23 (Default, Issue #1)
Storm (Color Pending)
Phoenix (Default)

Dante (Default)
Trish (Default)
Morrigan (Default)
Ryu (Evil)
Chun Li (Default)
Crimson Viper (Lady (DMC) Version)
Hsien Ko
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil 5 Version)
Jill Valentine

Don't fret if your costume got claimed, duplicates are welcome, so please sign up!

Location: Cosplayers will meet up in the fountains area on Friday, Feb. 18th 7:00 PM.

Volunteer Info: Volunteering for this event just means you'll have a costume from either the Marvel or Capcom side of Marvel vs Capcom 3. No extra work is needed besides showing up in costume, so apply today! Just let us know what character you'll be.

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