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Anime Expo
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Saints Row: The Third

Description: Wasn't at Fanime 2012 and missed out on representing the Saints?

Previous Event : http://www.acparadise.com/acp/events.php?eid=126

Well we just received orders from the Boss that he will make his appearance along with Shaundi at Anime Expo Thursday. They will be looking for YOU. Yes, you are reading this right. YOU!

So what are you waiting for?! Wear your purple and show your Saints pride.

(This event will be more casual, it'll begin around 2PM. It's not going to be a normal gathering because we are there to find YOU. And boss will take photo evidence with all the Saints. That is, if you aren't hiding. Boss will also be tweeting where he is around the convention center. You can follow and find him. We will have photos taken every Saint there is, individual and with the Boss.)

Got twitter? Well BETTER ADD BOSS SO YOU CAN TWEET WHERE THE HELL YOU ARE. (And follow to find out where he is located at.)

(You can also follow Boss at http://www.facebook.com/emp.maniac )

If the Boss ends up busy taking down some Brutes- You can always follow up with Shaundi's tweet that Thursday of Anime Expo.


Any Saints Row character is allowed. We want to see how many actually show up from the Boss orders. Adding Saints Row (THQ) Official, love the fans, so how many can we get to show them how much YOU love Saints Row? Can we get their blood pumping for their new work on Saints Row 4? Come show your pride and STRAP IT ON!

Location: Starts after 2:00PM Thursday @ Anime Expo 2012.

Volunteer Info: Volunteering means you will be wearing a Saints Row costume. We rather know you before hand than surprise have to find someone randomly in purple.

Message from the Boss :
"Konnichiwa, b****es!

I heard y'all like anime 'n s***, so I wanted to make sure the Saints represent at Anime Expo and show those chickens***s at the X-Games what's up!

(And maybe promote some Saints Flow. I think Madhouse worked on the animation for that ad. I dunno. I just read what ever bulls*** PR tells me.)

Anyway, y'all best be throwing on your finest purple and remember to strap it on for Saints Solidarity Day at Anime Expo. Even if it's for, like, an hour. Papa's gotta watch some Japanese cartoons and plan some new scores, after all.

Who owns the mo'f***in' Row? We own the mo'f***in' Row. See y'all that day, and remember: last one there's a p****. Or Pierce. (Same difference.)"

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