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Cosplayer Pippin PowderPuff > Costume of Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)

Most Recent Photo
Madoka Magica
Madoka Kaname
Special Variation:
magical girl
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
petticoat made of personal supply of white tulle and cotton
fabric used for red lining(s) was taken from an old red shirt
had to use math to figure out how to make the petal skirt lmao
pink petal skirt + pink bodice made of personal supply of pink cotton mix
white underskirt made of white cotton mix
yellow details made of yellow cotton mix
bows made out of extra red fabric
shoes were purchased for seperate cosplay, ribbons + bows were added by me
gloves + socks handmade
chestpiece made of polymer clay and acrylic paints.
Personal Thoughts:
A fun outfit to wear. took forever to make and i've only ever worn it once; it's a shame. might have to end up selling the old girl if i never end up wearing her again.
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This costume is still waiting to be approved by ACE Staff.

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