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Cosplayer Rin Dunois > Costume of Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)

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Attack on Titan
Eren Yeager
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Anime LA 2014
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The 3DMG was a collaboration effort with my cosplay mentor, DragonBlade (http://xdragonbladex.deviantart.com/), who first wore it herself as Eren Yeager and then hand it off to me to use during cons I attended in Southern California while cosplaying as Levi.

It took me an awful lot to figure out the straps, but with the help of both DragonBlade and BKitten, I was able to get them done albeit they came apart easily due to inappropriate material.

The rest of the outfit was bought.
Personal Thoughts:
On the last day of Anime Los Angeles 2014, I decided to go on a spur and test out using a wig I once used for cosplaying Sebastian Michaelis to use for Eren Yeager. It turned out to be a good idea!
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