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Cosplayer Sharkpuncher > Costume of Tavros Nitram (MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck)

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MS Paint Adventures / Homestuck
Tavros Nitram
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Otakon 2011
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
UGGGGGGHHHHH. Made a custom wig, tried to engineer horns that could be ridiculously huge without drooping or having a visible headband. Had some mishaps. Will hopefully iron them out by next con, as well as have a tinkerbull and perhaps robolegs.
Personal Thoughts:
ALL THE ANGER. I had a lot of little stupid things happen, on top of being busy all the time with work, and the few parts that worked ok while i was making it failed miserably at the con. Made a special headband out of wonderflex to wear under the wig since I didn't want to poke anything through the latex or have anything laying on top of it (and directly attaching horns to a rubber cap would have led to ultra-floppy horns) and then had a series of high-powered magnets to attache it (neodymium button magnets and some C-shaped high-powered magnets out of hard drives. Unfortunately, despite being made out of ultra-light stuff (I didn't use model magic or any kind of secondary covering unlike the other horns, it was just pink insulation foam, gesso, and paint with a small amount of lightweight spackle to fill in a few rough spots), when I put them on my head they would sag slightly and after about 5 minutes detach, thanks to the property of magnets to not have nearly as much strength when you rock them sideways. This led to me trying to use all sorts of makeshift things like hot glue and spirit gum out of desperation, but alas. Got all of 2 pictures before I got out of it.

As it is I'm super-unhappy with how it turned out, but all I can do is try for better luck next time.
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