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Cosplayer PhDPepper > Costume of Taokaka (BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger)

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BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
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This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
LOL, never again. This costume was actually made of Velvet because i didn't want to use fleece. The velvet was actually also lined with a polyester liner, and interfaced with Felt, which made the outfit extremely warm for the winter. The fluffy arms actually have velcro, and a zipper on it so that the hands can poke out of the sides, and the invisible zippers let it turn completely seamless if wanted at the cost of being able to use the hands. The gloves were also stuffed with polyfill so that it would hold its fluffy shape. The goal of this cosplay was so fluffy you could die, lol. The mask, it was actually made by carefully cutting and folding wonderflex into a bowl shape. The eyes were actually made by using a snowboarding goggle, and cutting off the front and attaching it to the mask so that the red lens would be flush with the mask. EL wire was then inserted into the lenses so that it would give a mild glow. The EL-wire was also fashioned so that the eyes could blink by using a switch that was run down one of the sleeves to the hand. The ears were also suppose to be able to twitch, but i never managed to get the solenoids to work properly in the head, and i'll probably have to refashion them using a harder base to get them to work. The mouth was actually made by using a wonderflex strip, and paper clay, that way the teeth would actually have a 3D shape and pop out of the mask. The mask was also wrapped in stretch black velvet so that it would be so fluffy you could die too, lol. Plus the velvet helps so the mask doesn't appear too shiny. For good reason, i never wanted to take the mask off in this costume, and well... i discovered Air holes are very important. The velvet on the mask was removed so that air holes could be punched into the mask. Also contemplating if a small fan should be attached to the mask to keep the wearer cooler. LOL, this cosplay is already retired since the only reason for doing it was a shoulder injury that caused me to lose around 25lbs of muscle in my upper body, while gaining a significant amount of muscle in my lower body, since it was all i could exercise, lol. I no longer fit into it.
Personal Thoughts:
Happy April Fools day =D
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