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Cosplayer PatrickD > Costume of Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

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Avatar: The Last Airbender
Special Variation:
Kyoshi Warrior Uniform
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Workmanship: Wood Working on Buttons (Arisia 2011)
Costume worn at:
Anime USA 2010
Arisia 2011
Dragon*Con 2010
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I handled most of the non-sewing bits for both costumes (along with my gloves) and researching which face makeup would work best. Majik showed the sewing machine who's boss. The plastic on the headbands was taken from a plastic "For Sale" sign. I had to use a Dremel to carve the "kyo" symbol on the gauntlets for a nice embossed look. That was kind of a pain. I would do one and then take a break before moving on to the next so my hand wouldn't cramp up from the vibration of the Dremel.
Personal Thoughts:
So I was planning a different costume for Dragon*Con, but it was questionable if it would be done on time. Rather than risk it, I decided to change gears and do a costume that could very likely be done in the time remaining. Majik was assisting me with the project and I proposed literally a dozen or so ideas that had been on my list for a while. After ruling out the ones that were far too complicated, ones she didn't want to work on, and ones that just weren't that great, we had pretty much exhausted the list. I started looking at DVDs of shows I had on my shelves. A few ideas, but nothing that stood out. Then, having just marathoned Avatar: The Last Airbender a couple months earlier, we started thinking about characters from that show. The Earth King and even his bear were possibilities. We also thought about the Earth Kingdom warriors. I wasn't going to shave my head to do Sokka and nobody else from the Water Tribe really stood out. I made a comment, "Well, if I was a girl, I'd SO dress as Suki!" Suki was my favorite character in the show. Majik replied, "So why don't you do it anyway?" ...and there you have it. We agreed to make a matching pair. Yay for group cosplay!
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