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Cosplayer Sharkpuncher > Costume of Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Costume worn at:
Katsucon 2006
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The coat was a bit of a pain but came out ok. Ended up taking a shortcut on the white part, and the back wasn't quite as long as I would have liked since I had to cut more of it off than I intended to give it the look I wanted. Also, I avoided putting back darts in because I thought it would look odd and thusly it was a little less fitted than I would have wanted it, and then I saw an ichigo who *did* put darts in and it looked fine and fit him in just the right way. sigh. and now, with the lining it might be a pain to put darts in cleanly.

Ugh, but I couldn't get the gauze to look right or stay though, ended up using safety pins and athletic tape, then ended up covering the whole thing with athletic tape cause I ran out of gauze, *then* ended up having a safety pin open underneath all the layers and start stabbing me in the side. And then I cut the back belts off my hakama by accident as I angrily hacked the bandages off with scissors since they weren't coming off easily and the safety pin was painful.
Also, my hollow mask broke the moment I tried to put it on. I guess weathering 2 cons was more than it wanted to. (Plus the bag it was in got handled roughly anyway)...but! it can be seen on my other "way too long hakama" original version Ichigo.

For Zangetsu, I had originally intended to make the tsuba out of resin but after I made the positive for the mold out of sculpey, I realized I didn't have time for all the steps I would need. So I just used the scupley instead and hoped for the best. Most of the bankai!zangetsu I saw didn't have the "fingers" on the legs of the manji (on the tsuba) like it has in the manga. Also, I had to learn way more about "the art of hilt-wrapping" than I ever thought I would, and it didn't turn out fantastic, but...it still turned out pretty decent, I think.
Personal Thoughts:
[old/retired costume brought over from cosplaylab/cosplay.com with copypaste info. May update later]
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