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American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer Taichi_Kun > Costume of Taichi Yagami (Digimon Adventure)
- Most Recent Photo
- 07-03-2012
- Series
- Digimon Adventure
- Character
- Taichi Yagami
- Year Completed:
- N/A
- Construction Difficulty:
- N/A
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
Well, I am a huge Taichi fanboy since 1999. He's my homeboy and I decided to bring him to life since Digimon is rarely cosplayed nowadays. The T-shirt I bought plain blue at Michael's arts and crafts store for 2 bucks. I manually attached the yellow undersleeves, collar, buttons, and stars (which have embroidered edges). I had to add a collar cuz my head would not fit when I first tried it out. The Shorts I bought at Burlington Coat Factory (right across the street from where I live), cargo shorts, hellz yeah! The gloves are actually Adidas Soccer Gloves i got at Academy Sports and Outdoors, I dyed the blue parts white now, so its a solid white now. The headband for my goggles i bought at another sporting store (Dick'!) and the goggles were very fun to make...yes, I made them manually. The Goggles consist of two wooden bracelets and i attached elastic and plastic lenses (originally keychains), and covered the rims in foil tape to give it the metallic look. The two final accessories were a killer for me...the hair and the shoes. I will start with the hair (or wig). The wig, I bought at a costume shop and restyled it to the look...seeing that I don't use hair cement, gel, or spray on it, I constanly have to style it. The most tortorous item will have to be the shoes. I bought a brand new pair of Adidas running shoes at the same place i got the gloves. I chose Adidas due to the three stripes and Taichi's shoe logo consists of 3 Stripes (nice coincidence XD). Well, I used all sorts of paints and sealers on them and after so many attempts I managed to somewhat get the shoes to match Taichi-kun's pair. UPDATE: SEPT 22, 08 I remade the majority of the costume again for better endurance since the first one had some flaws in it. The shirt had to be remade and pics will be coming soon. The shoes were rebuilt as well. I also gave the goggles to the lead singer of Japanese Rock band: Bakubeni as a gift and I will make a new pair from scratch and post pics of those as well.
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