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Cosplayer Mario Bueno > Costume of Goku (Dragonball Z)

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Dragonball Z
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The gi was a white martial arts gi originally cut up for Street Fighter cosplay which I dyed orange myself, the boots were purchased and then modded with red tape and the yellow rope, with the wristbands also being purchased items. Last and most important of all, the SUPER AWESOME WIG was made for me by my friend Scootkadoot. ^_^ EDIT (8/2010): With the help of the wonderful Anime Angel Blue, the gi was upgraded with custom made Turtle School patches, which were made from 100% FUNimation properties! :-D (The black is made of leftovers from Tsubasa Syaoran, and the white from Romeo. Commence the laughter.) Also, a second wig was commissioned from Scootkadoot as the previous one was battered from too much travel. This one was made in little over 45 minutes. I'm not even making that up. She is THAT awesome. *_*;
Personal Thoughts:
Hoo Boy...so back in 2002 when I first started cosplaying, my first complete costume was Vegeta from the Buu Saga, right? Fast forward to 2009. While originally believing I'd go back and redo that character, it turns out thanks to some plotting for Katsucon by my friend ~Nami~ (who ended up rocking Bulma), I decided to do this costume. Note that this costume paved the way for ANOTHER variation which was also done the same weekend...>_> EDIT (8/2010): As a result of the 2009 con season and volunteering for FUNimation, this costume can be seen as part of my periodic Gokucam segments I do for the FUNimation Blog which, from the looks of it, may be a recurring segment every few months...or when all seven Dragon Balls can be used again. XD
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