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Don't touch those banana's you whore!

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Radical Dreamer says, "You rock. Hardcore."
For Strider Hiryu from Marvel vs Capcom 2
AC4EVA says, "Damn good cosplay. Kicks my cloud cosplay in the ass =( I think mayb tho, the shirt should be darker blue. But meh. Good Job! "
For Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Roxas_13 says, "Quite excellent! ^_^ A question: I am planning on making my own Vincent cosplay. How did you make or where did you find his claw/boots and gun?"
For Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
tomoyohime says, "one of the best clouds I've ever seen"
For Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
tomoyohime says, "you look just like him and your costume is perfect~"
For Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus