First Log In and click My Tools.

Click the Photo Center on the side bar.

Click into the photo you would like to Move.

Click on the tab MOVE PHOTO.

This menu will pop up, choose the costume from drop list. Once you are done press MOVE PHOTO.

You are done moving the photos!
Other things you can do to Manage the Unsorted Photos are listed below.
Click REMOVE to delete the photo completely.

Click ADD PHOTOGRAPHER to credit a photographer.

You can also update different information for the photo.

**Celestial Account Status Only
1.) This is where the link for the photo for others to see.
2.) You can share your photo via social media from this page.
3.) You can enter Photo Caption for any thoughts/ideas/credits.
4.) After you enter your Photo Caption you can click UPDATE DESCRIPTION.
**5.) You can select Photo Category for the photo. Normal or Construction.
**6.) You can change the Access Level to Public or VIP Only.
**7.) After you have decided the changes for Access Level and/or Photo Category click UPDATE PHOTO SETTINGS.