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Rhode Island Comic Con 2015 Homestuck Panel/Photoshoot

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:07 am
by Savanaugh
Hello friends! I am a new user to this site, but I have been going to cons and have been cosplaying for three years now. :3 Cons I've been to include Connecticon (2012, 2014), Rhode Island Comic Con (2013, 2014), and Anime Boston(2013, 2014)! I'm only 16, which is why I haven't been to bigger cons that are far away (I live in Rhode Island :roll: )

Anyway, this year at RICC, which is the first weekend in November (3 days), I will be hosting a Homestuck Panel! Unfortunately, I already have all 20 members, so no one else can join, :cry: But it would be very awesome if I knew anyone was going to come and see it! For those of you who have never been, I must say, it's quite a fun convention! Last year they sold out for the first time with, I believe, over a few thousand tickets! So even though we are a small state, we can have relatively large events! It's in Providence, our capital, at the Dunkin Donut's center. Tickets for a weekend pass are about $75, I think. You'll have to go to the website, which can be found here.

I will be cosplaying Dirk Strider from Homestuck, and Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe. Let me know if you have any questions about these cosplays, the event, etc. I hope to see some of you there!!
