World Cosplay Summit Prelims held at FanimeCon
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:21 pm
Hey everyone!
I'm Tokyo Kitty and I'm organizing the WCS US Prelims this year!
If you are interested in entering the WCS US Prelims at Fanime this go here to read how to enter:,14007.0.html
I also have a Facebook page:!/pag ... 1194459337
For any questions please email me here:
Thanks! Spread the word!
I'm Tokyo Kitty and I'm organizing the WCS US Prelims this year!
If you are interested in entering the WCS US Prelims at Fanime this go here to read how to enter:,14007.0.html
I also have a Facebook page:!/pag ... 1194459337
For any questions please email me here:
Thanks! Spread the word!