I am a senior Anthropology and Linguistics major at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am conducting research in conjunction with my senior thesis on cosplayers in the United States. Specifically, I am researching identity as it pertains to cosplayers in the United States. I am looking for cosplayers over the age of 18 to interview for my research. Potential participants who are not yet 18 can be interviewed with parental permission.
I have been interested in cosplay for many years, and would like to explore some of the aspects of its popularity in the United States. The study will examine how cosplayers in the United States participate in cosplay subculture and the qualities valued within cosplay communities. Interviews can be conducted in person, or over email, phone, or Skype. With the interviewee's consent, photographs may be taken at the time of the interview for the purpose of visual aid in the final thesis. No other identifying information will be collected. I will be asking you about 20 questions during an interview that should last approximately 40 minutes. I would prefer to conduct interviews via Skype so I can see your cosplay!

Please let me know if you would like additional information about this study or would like to participate. You may contact me at lbgrant@live.unc.edu . Your agreement to be contacted or a request for more information does not obligate you to participate in any study. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
I can also provide you with the contact information for my faculty advisor and UNC's Institutional Review Board over email upon request.
Feel free to ask me questions in this thread!
Thank you for considering this research opportunity.